Time is almost up. I have less than 3 weeks until the Florida Ironman. YIKES! I don't feel prepared. Does anyone ever feel prepared for these things? There are so many factors in an Ironman that can happen that you cannot control....the weather, the ocean conditions, a flat tire...and the list goes on. What you have to concentrate on are the things you can control. That's what I'm trying to do. A lot of preparation goes into an Ironman, and the final weeks are the most anxiety ridden. Do I know what I'm going to take? What will I need for an IM in Florida in November? Do I have my checklists ready? Blah, Blah, Blah. It's all a part of the Type A personality...anal retentive prep time for an Ironman! It's pure craziness....Wait...It's pure craziness to sign up for one of these things in the first place.
My main reason for blogging today isn't to talk about my Type A personality. It's to talk about the support of my friends and family and to thank those who have in some special way touched my life and got me to this point. I believe I read in an article on Chrissie Wellington (reigning female IM World Champion) that she dedicates a mile for each marathon to those who touch her life in order to help her get through the final leg of the IM. I thought that was a cool idea and one that would take my mind off the pain....so here we go! (short & sweet - and in no certain order)
1. Josh - Not only is he an amazing husband, but he is supportive of my dreams and goals and one hell of a role model and coach. He constantly tells me to SUCK IT UP! His recent 2nd place finish in the 50 mile Northface run has gotten me fired up for the IM.
2. My Grandmother, Ebbie (who is no longer with us; but I know she watches over me) - for teaching me independence and strong will.
3. My Mom & Stepdad, Ronnie - for always supporting whatever dream I have and being there for me
4. My Dad - for keeping me grounded and being supportive.
5. Mich & Lisa (My brother and sister-in-law)-They think I'm crazy but still love me anyway
6. Walt & Ceri (My brother and sister-in-law)-They also think I'm crazy but still love me anyway.
7. Sabrina & Tom - Niece and Nephew- They just think I'm their crazy aunt anyway...and IM doesn't change that. LOL
8. Lily Anne and Olivia - Sweet baby girls who love me no matter how crazy I am. (They aren't old enough yet to realize how stupid I am. ) lol
9. Lane - Mini Josh is starting to catch the fever and loves to go to the events. He's also a great supporter and fan!!
10. Tina Moye- We have been running together for years now and she always makes me laugh...She pushes me when needed, and will kill me if I dare sign up for another Ironman. I don't know what she will do when she finds out that her husband Craig has become my manager (He's really Josh's manager, but signed me out of pity) and is signing me up for an Ironman next year.
11. Lindsey and Andy - My partners in crime - The three of us started the whole triathlon thing together. We would do a tri and have a blizzard. Those were the days!
12. John Palmer - He got me into this mess. I ran into him and Rhonda at the Half IM in Augusta. He asked me if I wanted to do a full and I said YES. WTH??! I remember having just told myself on the bike that day that doing a half was stupid and a full had to be pure insanity. So we did the Louisville IM to prove we were insane.
13. April Childs - I met April through training with Palmer for the IM. April is amazing, and I dream of being able to swim like she does for miles and miles! You rock, my fellow Louisville IM buddy!
Note: I miss these last two this year. It's not the same going to an event with out having "the crew" there.
14. The Palmer IM Fans - the most fabulous group of cheerleaders and fans anyone could have at an IM. I will miss you guys this year, but you will ROCK the regional cheerleading competition. This also includes Nikki " XFIT Superstar" Graham.
15. Chip Battle - I rode a bike for years before starting triathlons, and a lot of those rides were with Chip. I raced and rode many miles with him. Cycling is where I got my endurance and it is my LOVE of the three sports.
16. Carol Baumgartel- For all of our "Bitch" riding sessions. Those were awesome days. I miss them!
17. Jason Willcox- I have to give him props...If I hadn't been following his awesome finish last year at FL (which sent him to Kona this year), I wouldn't have signed up for Florida. Really you are to blame....
18. Linda, Randy and Ben Fix (The entire Cooney clan!!) - Josh's family is amazing and supportive of everything I do. I'm so thankful for them being in my life and raising such a wonderful person who I was so lucky to meet.
19. DeAnna Julian- The first to ever take me out on a REAL bike ride. LOL. It was HILARIOUS. The first two of many falls from a road bike.
If you add these up, you have 26 fabulous people (maybe a few more) who have been a part of this journey and who I will be thinking about during my 26.2 mile run (I do have 140.6 miles...so rest assured, you will probably be thought of more than that!). Thank you for being such great family and friends. In some way, you have been a positive force that has brought me this far! I love you all! As for the .2 miles I'm saving that for someone special. BTW...This is not an all inclusive lists. There may have been a few I didn't add to this list, but they aren't forgotten.
Yay! So glad I played a part in you writing a race report as epicly long as mine! They really are fun to go back and read and bring it all back. Your bike sounds a lot like mine was... Headwinds for that long are just no fun at all! Way to spread the sunshine out on the course! Knocking almost an hour off your PR? That's awesome! Congrats and great race report!