I can't believe I've made it two days in a row! I'm on a roll. Today's motto: If at first you don't succeed, try Plan B. Josh and I planned a trip to PCB this weekend so that we could ride the Ironman bike route. Looks like the weather isn't going to cooperate. Plan B is in the works. I think a long bike ride is in store for Saturday. I need it. Actually, I need to be out training right now. (Pros don't sleep in!) Sorry, Tina, for bailing on our run this am. Seems that I need to get my workouts in earlier so that I can go to sleep by 8 pm like the pros..... I was whooped. I gave it my all yesterday!
Besides training this weekend, it's time to put the patio furniture in and throw a little party at the Fix house! We have wanted to do something forever, but we just don't have the space to have a lot of people over. Once my pro status gets me somewhere, we are going to have a big awesome house in Lee County...(okay...what I really mean is once I find my dream job and make some $$$).
My days are flying by. I know a lot of people think the unemployed have a life of leisure. Not this chick. It's been go, go, go, and do. But I think I've paid my dues to be able to have the time to do everything I do, when I want to do it. How many times can you get a chance like that in life? I'm not a "kept" woman either. I guess I could lay around all day eating bon bons, but they aren't healthy and I'm a doer, so that doesn't work. If you are reading this and know of any jobs, voluteer work, etc....Let me know. I've got all sorts of things in the works, and I'm willing to help.
Where I want to help is with kids. I see so many obese kids that have no idea about health, fitness, and nutrition, and they aren't getting info at home or at school. (Or at least it's few and far between.) At one time I was one of them. If you grew up like I did, you had an idea of good foods, but all you cared about was coke in a bottle, oatmeal cream pies, donuts, and all the other crazy unhealthy foods kids eat. When did those items become staples for kids to eat?! Why is convenience all we can give our kids these days? What about fresh fruit, veggies, and healthy proteins?! Everything we eat out there is processed! Don't get me wrong...I know eating healthy is expensive. What does that say about our nation and the food industry? I say it's time to get away from that. It's time to show kids what is healthy and nutritious...I mean I can remember at school eating fries, pizza, and cinnamon rolls. HELLO?! I think to myself all the time....why didn't I get a degree in health or nutrition? Why didn't I suck it up and go to school to be a Pediatrician? (Yeah...that's an old dream....since 2nd grade!) So, a mission of mine is to work with kids. Get them informed. Help them learn how I learned...and still learning.
Okay...I'm off my soap box for the day. I've got things to go do. Training being number 1. Off for a run!
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