Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm Here to Win

Today I had an opportunity to finish a book called I'm Here to Win by Chris McCormack.  If you don't know who he is, he was the 2010 Ironman World Champion.  I was sitting in the hospital waiting room as my Dad was having surgery (removing a golf-ball sized kidney stone no less) and figured now was a good time to concentrate on finishing the book.  In the beginning, I was inspired by Macca.  He's done so much in the sport of triathlon.  He's won just about every triathlon out there.  WOW!  As I continued to read, I realized he's pretty full of himself.  A total tool bag. I got sick of reading about how awesome he thinks he is, the trash talking, and how he used trash talking to undermine his opponents.  I'm not sure that I believe him when I read that it was all about tactics...that he's really not that much of an ass, and he's truly a great guy.  Granted, he is an awesome athlete.  He obviously has been gifted with great genetics and and has some amazing insight on training for triathlons and studying his opponents well enough to know how to play the tactical game. However, I wasn't totally psyched by his attitude.  Then I realized maybe I shouldn't judge...

You see...he put the hours in.  He did the training.  He worked hard. He sacrificed.  You have to admire that.  He did make it to Kona and WIN.  My problem with some athletes that he reminds me of sometimes in this book is that they constantly put others down to make themselves look better. A mind game?  Yes, but sometimes I think it has to deal with their own insecurities.  I don't like mind games.  I see what he means, but I'm not one for those type of games.  I worry about myself.  I cannot control what others do or say....but I can control what I do and say.  To me doing an Ironman isn't about being better than others, it's about pushing my own body to its limit and to know that I finished because I did the work.  I put in the time.  I accomplished something that I thought I NEVER would be able to do.  Guess what....it's just a mind thing. My body can do it, I just had to get over telling myself that I couldn't.

I can remember as a child seeing the Ironman on TV.  I can remember seeing cyclists ride by my house on Highway 37 when I was a child.  I NEVER thought I had it in me to do such things.  I just DREAMED about it.  I thought to myself, I wish I could ride a century....and I did.  I wish I could do a marathon....and I did.  I thought...I wish I could do a tri...and I did.  Then came the Ironman....and I did.  Part of the reason why I can do these things is because I surrounded myself with amazing, positive people who did it with me and who also believed in me being able to do all of it.  And I THANK them daily for their positive influences in my life. (More on them in later blogs)

I did learn some things from this book.  One being that "A goal is a dream with a plan."  I love this. I also learned that Macca and I have a lot more in common than I thought.  We both want positive people surrounding us, not negative.  Give us solutions, not negativity!  We are both analytical (or should I say ANAL?). We race better in cooler, less humid weather. (That's why I always raced better in the rain!!!)  We also have a  thing for a good old fashion COKE when things start to get rough in a race.  Just ask Andy Cooper sometime if you don't think a Coke can bring someone back to life.  LOL.

There are so many things I learn from the books that I read.  I take them to heart.  I don't just read them and move on.  I try to apply them.  All in all, I'm glad I took a look at this book.  Macca has some great advice for us mere mortals....and I think I'm going to put it to good use.

As for my Dad, he's recovering at my house today.  (Not a willing participant.)  The surgery went well, but he needs someone with him for the next 24 hours and since he has to be back in Albany for an appointment in the morning, he got stuck with me.  He wants to be at home in his bed (don't blame him) but while he complains, I know that he loves having me do everything for him.  He will never admit it though. He's got to be tough about it.  LOL

Last thing...can you say HELL YEAH to the weather we are having right now?  It is a much needed break from 100 degrees! 

Sorry for the random thoughts, but I think I'm a little tired today.  Love to all!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

I can't believe I've made it two days in a row!  I'm on a roll.  Today's motto:  If at first you don't succeed, try Plan B.  Josh and I planned a trip to PCB this weekend so that we could ride the Ironman bike route.  Looks like the weather isn't going to cooperate.  Plan B is in the works.  I think a long bike ride is in store for Saturday.  I need it.  Actually, I need to be out training right now. (Pros don't sleep in!) Sorry, Tina, for bailing on our run this am.  Seems that I need to get my workouts in earlier so that I can go to sleep by 8 pm like the pros..... I was whooped.  I gave it my all yesterday! 

Besides training this weekend, it's time to put the patio furniture in and throw a little party at the Fix house!  We have wanted to do something forever, but we just don't have the space to have a lot of people over.  Once my pro status gets me somewhere, we are going to have a big awesome house in Lee County...(okay...what I really mean is once I find my dream job and make some $$$). 

My days are flying by.  I know a lot of people think the unemployed have a life of leisure.  Not this chick.  It's been go, go, go, and do.  But I think I've paid my dues to be able to have the time to do everything I do, when I want to do it.  How many times can you get a chance like that in life?  I'm not a "kept" woman either.  I guess I could lay around all day eating bon bons, but they aren't healthy and I'm a doer, so that doesn't work.  If you are reading this and know of any jobs, voluteer work, etc....Let me know.  I've got all sorts of things in the works, and I'm willing to help.

Where I want to help is with kids.  I see so many obese kids that have no idea about health, fitness, and nutrition, and they aren't getting info at home or at school. (Or at least it's few and far between.)  At one time I was one of them.  If you grew up like I did, you had an idea of good foods, but all you cared about was coke in a bottle, oatmeal cream pies, donuts, and all the other crazy unhealthy foods kids eat.  When did those items become staples for kids to eat?!  Why is convenience all we can give our kids these days?  What about fresh fruit, veggies, and healthy proteins?!  Everything we eat out there is processed! Don't get me wrong...I know eating healthy is expensive.  What does that say about our nation and the food industry?  I say it's time to get away from that.  It's time to show kids what is healthy and nutritious...I mean I can remember at school eating fries, pizza, and cinnamon rolls.  HELLO?!  I think to myself all the time....why didn't I get a degree in health or nutrition? Why didn't I suck it up and go to school to be a Pediatrician?  (Yeah...that's an old dream....since 2nd grade!) So, a mission of mine is to work with kids.  Get them informed.  Help them learn how I learned...and still learning.

Okay...I'm off my soap box for the day.  I've got things to go do.  Training being number 1.  Off for a run!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Live Your Dreams

It's been over a year since I thought about my blog.  I don't know why.  I love to write.  I have so much to share and now, so much TIME.  For the past 3 years, I've been going through the motions of my job.  Other than train, all I did was work, travel to work, worry about work, travel some more and start over the next day. Thankfully working out and training gave me something to look forward to.  I'm not someone who wants to or likes to fail, so I was always trying my best....sometimes I was trying too hard to fit EVERYTHING in that I wanted to accomplish. Trying to have a career with the company that I finally got in with, training for an Ironman, started a new marriage...where was my time going?  I was constantly stressed, in pain from stress, eating horribly, and going through the motions.  Have you ever been like that?  Well, I know it wasn't me.

It became apparent to me within the past few weeks, that something big had changed and I really hadn't been looking at things from the right perspective.  I lost my job this summer, which was a bummer, BUT....and that's a big BUT, it was all for a reason.  I went through 3 years of telling good employees (I don't mind telling the bad) that they no longer had a job.  It was mentally wearing on me.  I've never been one to think I'm better than anyone else, so I knew my day would come....and I knew it would come in year 3. It's weird how intution works. The thing is, I look forward to leaving.  I felt that it was time for a change, and what I THOUGHT I wanted, really wasn't.  Time to take on something bigger than me that affected other people in a positive way.  So, as of July 1, 2011, my journey began. Yes...if you have ever been unemployed, there is a time when you think...wow, a long vacation. But for someone who likes to work and stay busy, it's not all it's cracked up to be.  (I will not complain that I actually got a two and a half week vacation in Colorado. I never could have made that happen while working.) I've redone everything I can in my house. I've cleaned out, organized, built, painted... you name it.  I've trained almost daily for my next Ironman (but that too gets old when it's the only thing you have to do.) I like variety. I like seeing people.  Being stuck at home, doing projects, is getting monotonous.  I've done some labor this summer.  I've cleaned the house MANY times and done yard work.  Josh and I added a patio in our back yard. The list goes on and on.  You know what?  While it has been a little boring, I am thankful to finally have the time to do these things.  Otherwise, they would just get put on the list for next year and then to the next, etc.

So now that you know what I've been up to this summer, let me say this.  I've also been looking for jobs, working with a career coach, and trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up.  I'm not so sure that I want to be a corporate career girl any longer.  Not when I realize that my true love is in fitness and nutrition. I've taken webinars on how to find jobs, interviewing, how to start your own business....etc. I KNOW there is something out there that is perfect for me.  While I can't say for sure where I'm headed....I do know this.  I'm going to live my motto.  I say it all the time, but I woke up this week and decided.  LIVE YOUR DREAMS.  So, obviously, I'm not going to be a professional triathlete (not so sure I want to considering the book I'm reading by one right now....can you say cocky asshole?), but I can live like one for a while.  Who says I can't live the life of a pro triathlete since I have the time?  Who says I can't give FL IM my all?!?  So as of today, I'm a pro triathlete (by my terms...Please! I don't really think I can go pro. LOL), even if it's only for a short period of time.  In the mean time...I'm self employed.  I've got things in motion.  I want to live a different life, and I'm going to find my niche. I'm going to figure it out, and it's going to be AMAZING.  As Vince Lomardi says, " You can be as great as you want to be.  If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay for the things that are worthwhile, IT CAN BE DONE."  Well said!!!

I'm off to ride with my peeps! : )  Stay tuned....I'm in LEARNING mode these days and willing to share!