Saturday, January 16, 2010


It's been a while since I've been back on the blog. I actually think I forgot I had one. We had a great Christmas. It came and went by in a flash! Josh got a new mountain bike from Santa Claus! He was very excited. I'm excited for the New Year. I've got a lot going on in 2010. I've started preparation for the Snicker's Marathon along with my training partners and continuing base training for the Ironman. Over the last three weeks, we have progressively reached mileage none of us have ever run before. With each run, there's been a new adventure along with reaching the milestones.

The first run was 16 miles which wasn't so bad. Tina and I ran through neighborhoods so I could show her the house Josh and I are under contract on (although my house is the one has fallen in love with it yet). We ran out Gillionville and back by Darton. This worked out well with having a potty and water at the college!! We actually felt pretty good considering it's the furthest we've ever been! Best part, we make it back to Tina's house with a round of applause from Craig. I got home and laid on the floor for a while. : )

Last weekend, it was out for 18 miles (yikes). We acutally started out with a good crew. Andy started off with Lindsey, and Tina, DeAnna, and I met up with them. (I can't forget to mention our best pups were there too....Bell and Sadie!) Andy ditched us immediately. I think I heard him say under his breath that we were too slow for him. It was insanely cold that day...the type of cold where most people were in doors and trying to stay out of the cold....Here we are trying to run 18 miles. De stayed with us until Gillionville and got in 10 miles. We went for a loop around Doublegate from. It wasn't so bad, but toward the end things did start to get a little painful for us all. Thankfully, we survived with a water and gels. No applause at the end of this run. I was thankful for having done Yoga prior to the run. It really helps me. the windchill was in the 20s. My first thought was "ice bath" but what person can go from the cold outside to a friggin' ice bath!!! Not me. I would deal with the pain.

Now, let's go to last night....Weather for this weekend was definitely going to be different than the last. It was in the 60s Friday, but this was to be a big weekend run (yes...20), and for Saturday, they were predicting rain ALL DAY. How were we going to get 20 in? It damn sure wouldn't be on a treadmill! It turned out to be a gorgeous day, but of course, the run gods were teasing us. Beautiful and warm today while we were working, and rain predicted for our run day!! This was depressing. I hate to have a goal that might not be met because of rain! Oh well. Then...Lindz gets the idea of "Why not get it over with tonight?" What a great thought. Friday night. No plans. Get in a 3 hour run after work. We get warmth, our long run and a Saturday to do something BESIDES run. What I don't get is any prep time. I can tell I'm tired already. No time for Yoga. No time to get everything ready. My calves were sore from something I did this week and did I mention Lindz and I were up at 5 am at swim practice?!!! No problem....GAME ON!! Tina was in too. We had little time to prepare, but out we went. 545 on a Friday night equipped with reflective gear and ipods. It actually wasn't bad...although we didn't have a water stop planned (we tried to recruit Josh to bring us water, but missed him.)Our route had to change due to the crazy speeding vehicles ready to plow us down...probably due to the amazement that they don't see people (much less three girls) running at dark on a Friday night while they are speeding to eat dinner and watch a movie! We're real dedicated athletes, so get over it and SLOW down!! Where have you got to be on a Friday night that requires you to go so fast? I mean, we have time to run, you have time to get to Mellow Mushroom for that slice of pizza we are dreaming of.
I have to say, I'm proud of us for getting in our 20. The last five were TORTURE. We were close to home, but still had mileage so we had to run around Lake Loretta more than a few times...starving, in pain, and ready for it to be over with. (Mental note: I've got to stick with out and back runs...being so close to home made me want to cave!) We hit 20 (I promise, Tina, my ipod is short on mileage) but PUDDIN' wanted to see 21, so she ran home. :) Shout out to my girls for going strong...and to Andy for the best water stop we've had on a run!

I've never felt so nauseous after a run!! I walked in the door, stripped off soaking wet clothes, and Josh made me a grilled's all I could handle...well besides a Sierra Mist to help my stomach settle and two pickles I craved...I'm guessing for the salt! It's SATURDAY now and while I didn't sleep good, I'm free for the day! Josh's turn to exercise and my turn to eat everything in the house, take naps, and do some errands and chores...and it is raining...Hats off to Lindz, Puddin and I for goal accomplished!!!

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